Shabbat Morning Services
Blends traditional prayer modes with contemporary melodies and niggunin and features acoustic music in the early part of the service and a more traditional approach in the later parts of [...]
Blends traditional prayer modes with contemporary melodies and niggunin and features acoustic music in the early part of the service and a more traditional approach in the later parts of [...]
Please join us as Hannah Bayer is called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah.
We’ve had several requests to add a Shabbat walk to our program. We scouted out a route that is approximately 2 miles with minimal hills in walking distance to [...]
Group trip to see the Theater Ariel production of Amsterdam at the Christ Church Neighborhood House. Tickets are $25 (reduced from $36). You must sign up ahead of time. [...]
Join our dedicated group of lay-led Minyan'ers online.
Nitzanim (Sprouts) in the Ya’ar (Woodlands) is a unique program for 3-5 year-old kids and their grown-ups in Beth Am Israel’s Ya’ar/Woodlands. Engage in experiential outdoor learning connected to [...]
Join Beth Am’ers in soulful prayer led by our clergy to begin each day.
Led by BAI’s own Leslie Lieberman and Barbra Berley-Mellits, Women’s Sacred Aging will be a small group opportunity for reflection, exploration, and inspiration as we age. This will be [...]
Join Beth Am’ers in soulful prayer led by our clergy to begin each day.
As a follow up to the Kesher "Feeding Women of the Bible" discussion group we will, using the book "Feeding Women of the Talmud, Feeding Ourselves" as our guide, [...]
We strive to make our events fully accessible to all. If you require disability accommodation(s) in order to participate in our events, please email the office.