Kesher Walking Group – Shabbat Walk
We've had several requests to add a Shabbat walk to our program. We scouted out a route that is approximately 2 miles with minimal hills in walking distance to [...]
We've had several requests to add a Shabbat walk to our program. We scouted out a route that is approximately 2 miles with minimal hills in walking distance to [...]
We meet at 8:30am every Sunday year-round for friendly pick-up games at Elite Sports Factory (indoors) on Umbria St in Roxborough (less than a mile west of the Green [...]
Join our dedicated group of lay-lead Minyan’ers – online.
We have now had one year of Kesher programming and what a wonderful first year we have had! Offerings included Yoga, Qigong, Women in the Bible, Crafts, Arts and [...]
Click Here for a full schedule of Shavuot observances.
Join Beth Am’ers in soulful prayer led by our clergy to begin each day.
Tuesday Night, June 11, 8p Tikkun Leil Shavuot: Music and Prayer Deep into the Night in-person at BAI Shavout is both a harvest holiday, bringing of the first fruits [...]
Practice the art of simply listening and noticing. Weather permitting outdoors in our Ya’ar (woods). Always on zoom
8:30a – Morning Festival Tefilah 9:15 – Hallel 9:30a – Torah Reading (including the 10 Commandments) 10a – Yizkor Memorial Service
Evening Festival Service, including Yizkor Memorial Service on Zoom only.
We strive to make our events fully accessible to all. If you require disability accommodation(s) in order to participate in our events, please email the office.