Something Different for Shabbat Morning

Over the next several months we’re going to try out and try on different ways into prayer, with a focus on Shabbat morning. Our traditional Shabbat morning service will continue [...]

Shabbat Morning Services

Blends traditional prayer modes with contemporary melodies and niggunin and features acoustic music in the early part of the service and a more traditional approach in the later parts of our [...]

Kesher Basketball

BAI Hoop Heads: Casual basketball pickup games. Meet from 8:30-10a at AFC Fitness in Bala Cynwyd. Everyone is welcome. We play for fun and to have a good workout. [...]

BAI Teen Program – Teen Learning

One Sunday a month (from 4-6pm, including dinner) will be dedicated to informal learning. These sessions will be taught by some combination of Rabbi David, Hazzan Harold, Cantor Jenn, [...]

Kesher Qigong

Taught by our very own Nicole Levin and Beth Berman, we will have regular Yoga and Qigong (similar to Tai Chi) instruction at BAI. First and third Wednesdays of [...]

We strive to make our events fully accessible to all. If you require disability accommodation(s) in order to participate in our events, please email the office.