Kesher Qigong

Taught by our very own Nicole Levin and Beth Berman, we will have regular Yoga and Qigong (similar to Tai Chi) instruction at BAI. First and third Wednesdays of [...]

Event Series Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Our overarching Board goals for the year: Membership / School Programming / B’nai Mitzvah Families Always Present Attention on: Community, Spirituality, Learning All members are invited to attend. Board meetings are [...]

Kesher Tour of Chanticleer

Join us for a guided tour of Chanticleer, a 48-acre botanical garden in Wanye, PA. Space is limited so sign up early. The cost is $22 per person and checks [...]

Event Series Shorashim Shabbat

Shorashim Shabbat

Shabbat mornings at Beth Am Israel offer Shorashim students a kid-centered Tefilah, Hebrew, snack, learning about the weekly parsha, time spent in the main service, and time in the [...]

Shabbat Morning Services

Join us for a Celebration of Learning during Shabbat Services to honor all our teachers and learners. Blends traditional prayer modes with contemporary melodies and niggunin and features acoustic music in [...]

Tot Shabbat

Tot Shabbat is a Shabbat experience for families with children ages 0-5, every Saturday from 11-12. Come sing along to Shabbat songs, learn about the parsha of the week, [...]

We strive to make our events fully accessible to all. If you require disability accommodation(s) in order to participate in our events, please email the office.