“Something Different” for Shabbat Morning
9-10a Extended Tefilah B’kavana (weather permitting in the Ya’ar) 10:30-11:30a Interactive Torah Discussion (concurrent with our traditional Torah reading)
9-10a Extended Tefilah B’kavana (weather permitting in the Ya’ar) 10:30-11:30a Interactive Torah Discussion (concurrent with our traditional Torah reading)
Blends traditional prayer modes with contemporary melodies and niggunin and features acoustic music in the early part of the service and a more traditional approach in the later parts of our [...]
We've had several requests to add a Shabbat walk to our program. We scouted out a route that is approximately 2 miles with minimal hills in walking distance to [...]
We meet at 8:30am every Sunday year-round for friendly pick-up games at Elite Sports Factory (indoors) on Umbria St in Roxborough (less than a mile west of the Green [...]
Event Registration Adath Israel, Beth Am Israel, and Beth Hillel-Beth El present A Feast For Your Mind, Body, and Soul Featuring Chef Nissimmi Naim-Naor This event takes place [...]
Fridays at 9:00a, Haverford College (Meet at the Haverford College Visitor Parking Lot) If it is below 32 degrees, or raining or snowing, the group will meet at the [...]
Blends traditional prayer modes with contemporary melodies and niggunin and features acoustic music in the early part of the service and a more traditional approach in the later parts of our [...]
We've had several requests to add a Shabbat walk to our program. We scouted out a route that is approximately 2 miles with minimal hills in walking distance to [...]
We meet at 8:30am every Sunday year-round for friendly pick-up games at Elite Sports Factory (indoors) on Umbria St in Roxborough (less than a mile west of the Green [...]
Fridays at 9:00a, Haverford College (Meet at the Haverford College Visitor Parking Lot) If it is below 32 degrees, or raining or snowing, the group will meet at the [...]
We strive to make our events fully accessible to all. If you require disability accommodation(s) in order to participate in our events, please email the office.