Souls Shot Portrait Project
Portraits of Victims of Gun Violence Exhibition at Beth Am Israel March 26-May 1, 2024 Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 9a-5p Friday 9a-3p Sunday and Monday by appointment only Closed on [...]
Portraits of Victims of Gun Violence Exhibition at Beth Am Israel March 26-May 1, 2024 Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 9a-5p Friday 9a-3p Sunday and Monday by appointment only Closed on [...]
Taught by our very own Nicole Levin and Beth Berman, we will have regular Yoga and Qigong (similar to Tai Chi) instruction at BAI. First and third Wednesdays of [...]
Join Beth Am’ers in soulful prayer led by our clergy to begin each day.
Join Beth Am’ers in soulful prayer led by our clergy to begin each day.
Fridays at 9:00a, Haverford College (Meet at the Haverford College Visitor Parking Lot) If it is below 32 degrees, or raining or snowing, the group will meet at the [...]
Join Cantor Jenn for Shabbat songs, movement, storytime, and a dairy potluck dinner on the 1st Friday of each month! From 5:30-6:30p for 0-7 year old kids and their [...]
Shabbat mornings at Beth Am Israel offer Shorashim students a kid-centered Tefilah, Hebrew, snack, learning about the weekly parsha, time spent in the main service, and time in the [...]
Blends traditional prayer modes with contemporary melodies and niggunin and features acoustic music in the early part of the service and a more traditional approach in the later parts of our [...]
We meet at 8:30am every Sunday year-round for friendly pick-up games at Elite Sports Factory (indoors) on Umbria St in Roxborough (less than a mile west of the Green [...]
We strive to make our events fully accessible to all. If you require disability accommodation(s) in order to participate in our events, please email the office.