
Boker Tov, Beth Am Israel. A good Elul to everyone.

Here is something I wrote that I wanted to share as we move through Elul, getting ready for the Holidays, and trying to (again) figure out what’s going on…

We were told it would last two weeks.

It’s still going.

And parts of it were awful. Heartbreaking. Unbelievably painful. Headshaking, maddeningly insane. 

And parts of it were awe-inspiring. Uplifting. Tears of joy-worthy. Worthy of immense gratitude.

We’ve seen unspeakably bad behavior, selfishness, callous indifference. 

We’ve seen incredible bravery, heroism, selflessness, humor, compassion.

We’ve had a summer, if not of hope, well then of respite.

Reconnecting, sharing, hugging, crying, feeling full, traveling, being free, hiking, going to camp, being with friends, hearing live music, dining out, masks off. 

We make our calculations, we check our moral, spiritual and scientifically calibrated compasses.

We figured out what’s best for ourselves and our family. 

And if you are reading this, it means that you are still here.

We made it to today. 

Which, pandemic or not, is all we get, it’s all we ever get, and it’s all we can do and it’s all that we can ever do. 

You probably already know this. I know this. But today I thought I would remind me of this, because the news today is awful. It was awful yesterday. 

But: It was also great! There was great news yesterday, and great news tomorrow is coming too! 

Really, sincerely great news. 

Which reminded me to remind me: Elul comes every year. We blow the shofar every day this month, like we have every year, good and bad. For thousands of years, give or take. We’ll do it again next year. 


Wake up, everybody. Boker Tov. A good day!

And if you’ve read this far: A bonus music track for you! :)

A beautiful new melody from Rabbi Josh Warsharsky, a new rendering of the “Henini, Here I Am” prayer.