
July 22, 2023 /3 Av 5783

The Prophet Isaiah, Sistine Chapel ceiling


Vatican City, Rome, Italy

Shabbat Hazon, as the Shabbat right before Tisha B’Av is known, takes its name from the opening words of the book of Isaiah, always chanted as the haftarah for Parashat Devarim. Hazon means vision, and the centerpiece of Isaiah’s vision is this: “Learn to do good. Devote yourselves to justice; Aid the wronged. Uphold the rights of the orphan; Defend the cause of the widow.” Famously, the passage ends with these words: צִיּ֖וֹן בְּמִשְׁפָּ֣ט תִּפָּדֶ֑ה –  Zion will be redeemed with justice.

On the eve of this Shabbat Hazon tens of thousands of Israelis continued a protest march in defense of Israel’s democracy which will take them from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Please have a look at the video posted here to view the powerful and moving scene. My heart is with the marchers and protestors. Their hearts are filled with love of Israel and of the Jewish people. 

Tisha B’Av, observed in this coming week, tells the story of breakdown and disunity, of loss and destruction and despair. Many worry that we are witnessing, yet again, a tearing apart of the Jewish people. The marchers are committed to the response to impending doom first articulated by Isaiah 2700+ years. Zion will be redeemed by justice. We should be committed to that vision as well. 

I wish to invite all of us to be part of our Tisha B’Av observance this year especially. We’ll begin with a meal and conversation with members of the local Israeli community (some of whom are also BAI members!). Let’s learn, Let’s connect, Let’s eat, Let’s lament – and Let’s do all of that together. 

Shabbat Shalom.