
December 19, 2023 /7 Tevet 5784

Haverot and Haverim (Friends) – 

It’s been an intense and challenging day. I am in Israel participating in a Rabbinical Assembly mission whose goals include bearing witness to the atrocities of October 7th, listening to the experiences and insights our fellow Masorti rabbis and members of their congregations, and demonstrating solidarity with our sisters and brothers in Israel in the midst of a terrible war. 

Our day featured visits to Kfar Aza – one of the hardest hit ‘Gaza envelope’ communities – Neve Hanna – a residential youth village for disadvantaged children and youth – and Kehillat Magen Avraham – a remarkable Masorti congregation in Omer, just outside of Beer Sheva. At each stop we had the privilege of sitting with and hearing from Israelis as they reflected on the painful and traumatic experiences of October 7th. 

A few pictures follow:

Light show on the facade of the Jewish Agency building on King George St in Jerusalem; pictures of all of the hostages currently being held in Gaza.

Kibbutz Kfar Aza; Zohar Shpak (Josh Ackerman’s adopted ‘father’ met our group at his home community; Zohar (who is an outstanding photographer) recording some of the damage; destroyed homes at Kfar Aza.

Laila tov from Jerusalem.

Rabbi David