
At BAI, we work to improve the lives of others through our monthly collection drives, service projects, and learning sessions about issues and organizations engaged in tikkun olam.  Our collections are crisis-driven (e.g. toiletries to ICE detention centers) and also planned around known needs (e.g. food at holiday season).  Many of our most successful, inspiring collections are spearheaded by our Beit Midrash and B’nai Mitzvah students as a component of their Mitzvah Project. Here are some of our Love our Neighbor opportunities for March 2019!

Help HIAS Help Refugees  

Pleaes contact Carol Gantman to arrange donation. HIAS needs twin beds (with mattress and bed spring) for newly arriving refugees. Other items presently needed include winter hats and coats, kitchen and household items, and items for new babies. Feel free to browse the HIAS Target Registry to get additional ideas.  

Mishloat Manot

When ordering Mishloach Manot, please remember to donate Tzadakah, you will be helping your neighbors near and far!  

Cook for a Friend

Join the Eisenbach family on March 10th as we refill our Love Your Neighbor freezer with wholesome foods to share as needs arise in our beloved community. Contact Ronit to help with shopping or cooking.
All ages and skills welcome!