
Good morning, Chaverim/Chaverot, 

On the brink of a new year (another year when the whole world continues to be plagued by yet another new variant of our friend, the pesky COVID-19 virus), I thought…I’m tired and I need to take the week off and maybe even stop writing these weekly gratitude letters.  But, after a little more thought, I concluded that a new year deserved a good gratitude quote (and we’ll see about what happens with this weekly practice next year.)

Here is today’s Gratitude Thought in the Midst of a Pandemic:

“There will be something, anguish or elation, 

 that is peculiar to this day alone.  

 I rise from sleep and say: Hail to the morning!  

 Come down to me, my beautiful unknown.” 

Jessica Powers

What would next year look like if we could really live each day as Ms. Powers suggests?? What if we could live with with praise on our lips for whatever each day brings, whether it brings “anguish or elation”, and sometimes both on the very same day? What would it be like if we could revel in the uncertainty; be comfortable with the mystery, the not knowing; be grateful for whatever the adventure that is life brings us from moment to moment?

I have pretty much given up on making new year’s resolutions, knowing that, sadly, mine rarely make it too far into the new year. But I am thinking that, perhaps it might be worth making the effort this coming year to start each morning with excitement and joy in my heart and with gratitude for the “beautiful unknown” that the new day has yet to bring.

The results could be quite astonishing…who’s in???

Love, Shabbat Shalom, and my very best wishes to all for a healthy, peaceful and joy-filled New Year,