Sunday Minyan
Join our dedicated group of lay-lead Minyan’ers – online.
Join our dedicated group of lay-lead Minyan’ers – online.
We have now had one year of Kesher programming and what a wonderful first year we have had! Offerings included Yoga, Qigong, Women in the Bible, Crafts, Arts and [...]
Click Here for a full schedule of Shavuot observances.
Join Beth Am’ers in soulful prayer led by our clergy to begin each day.
Tuesday Night, June 11, 8p Tikkun Leil Shavuot: Music and Prayer Deep into the Night in-person at BAI Shavout is both a harvest holiday, bringing of the first fruits [...]
Practice the art of simply listening and noticing. Weather permitting outdoors in our Ya’ar (woods). Always on zoom
8:30a – Morning Festival Tefilah 9:15 – Hallel 9:30a – Torah Reading (including the 10 Commandments) 10a – Yizkor Memorial Service
Evening Festival Service, including Yizkor Memorial Service on Zoom only.
Join Beth Am’ers in soulful prayer led by our clergy to begin each day.
8:30a – Festival Morning Service (No Torah Reading) 9a – Yizkor Memorial Service (ending around 9:20a)
We strive to make our events fully accessible to all. If you require disability accommodation(s) in order to participate in our events, please email the office.