Honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by giving back to our community with meaningful hands-on service projects at Congregation Beth Am Israel. Families and individuals of all ages are invited to join us. Donations Needed! Bring gently-used clothing and children’s books either in advance or with you that day!
Day of Service Projects include:
- Cook and prepare meals for homebound seniors
- Sort clothing donations
- Make dog toys for shelter animals
- Seasons of Love: Fill spice jars for local food pantries
- Plant parsley & decorate the pots to donate to local food pantries
- Cards for a Cause: Creating encouraging notes of hope
- Sort book donations and create bookplates for Cradles to Crayons
Adult & Family Learning:
- Ongoing: Learn how to address gun violence
- 10:30a: Learn to counter climate misinformation for HS age and above
- 11:30a: How & why to buy renewable energy
- 11:00a: Outdoor Storytime and Walk for families with young children