Please join us at a member’s home to discuss The Hebrew Teacher by Maya Arad.
From the Jewish Book Council:
AccordÂing to many critÂics, Maya Arad is the most accomÂplished Hebrew-lanÂguage writer livÂing outÂside of Israel, and perÂhaps one of the best Israeli novÂelÂists of her genÂerÂaÂtion. ThroughÂout her eleven novÂels and books of short ficÂtion, she has creÂatÂed deeply affectÂing and often wrenchÂing porÂtraits of the foibles of conÂtemÂpoÂrary sociÂety, parÂticÂuÂlarÂly those of midÂdle-class famÂiÂlies and acadÂeÂmia. So while it’s a litÂtle surÂprisÂing that The Hebrew Teacher is the first to be transÂlatÂed into EngÂlish, it sureÂly won’t be the last. ComÂposed of three novelÂlas cenÂtered on three Israeli immiÂgrants to the UnitÂed States (each woman is in a difÂferÂent phase of their acculÂturÂaÂtion to the new sociÂety), and the famÂiÂlies, friends, and colÂleagues surÂroundÂing them, this book is bristling with insights into the sharp divides between culÂtures, and between generations.