
The Jewish Earth Alliance and the PA- Interfaith Power and Light are hosting two informative advocacy events to educate you on renewable, clean energy and  to motivate you to write letters to your Senators and Representative in Washington DC. All are welcome to attend!

 August 25  at 7:00 pm

If you care about averting the worst effects of climate change it is essential that you raise your voice and let decision makers especially your elected policy makers know how you feel and how you want them to act.

One of the best ways that you can  raise your voice is to let your elected officials know that you care about environmental issues is to  write personal letters. Yet for many people  letter writing can be intimidating. Therefore, you are invited to attend  an interactive session where you can learn to easily write these letters: You will also write your letter during this session.

Topic: How to write effective letters to elected officials

Speakers: Phyllis Blumberg, Advocate, PA wide organizer for Jewish Earth Alliance and

Seth P. Sacks, or Ryan Adams who are both  Field Directors for Climate Action PA,  for the League of Conservation Voters

This session will walk you through how to write letters to your elected officials to express your views on actions that need to be taken. We will answer all your questions and talk about how to tell your own personal story that will have impact and meaning for  your readers. 

Here is the link to register for the August 25th training:

September 1 at 7:30 PM

The US still gets 60% of its electricity from fossil fuels.  Electrical generation is a major source of carbon emissions, second only to transportation. To avert the worst effects of climate change we need to use 100% clean renewable energy such as from solar or wind.  A federal Clean Energy Standards Clean Energy Standards (CES) would mandate progress toward the use of renewables for the entire country which would be a tremendous step toward eliminating the greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change.  

Democrats are aiming to pass a budget under the rules of reconciliation, offering another opportunity to remediate the climate crisis. Their proposed $3.5 trillion budget includes CES, and other climate solutions such as electric car incentives, energy efficient buildings. Members of Congress need to hear our call for comprehensive CES that accelerates the transition to renewable energy, with justice for communities harmed by fossil fuel.

You are invited to attend an informational and motivational meeting on  Sept. 1 at 7:30 sponsored by the Jewish Earth Alliance and the PA Interfaith Power and Light.  The speakers will be

·         An inspirational spiritual speaker

·         Odette Much, Mid-Atlantic Regulatory Director and Federal Liaison Vote Solar

Please register here.

For more information on the need to transition to renewable, clean energy see–rosh-hashanah-5782–september

We encourage you to write letters to your Federal Senators and Representative urging them to support a rapid transition to clean, renewable energy and a Clean Energy Standard.

For the template letter for you to customize see

Please submit your letters  directly to me  ( as attachments to your email message.  Letters must be received by Thursday, September 9. We will deliver them by email directly to the appropriate staffer.