
Please join us for conversations on the topic of BAI clergy performing Interfaith Marriages on Monday, Oct. 15 at 6pm and Sunday, Oct. 21 at 10am.

Please note: These meetings will be similar in form and content (meaning you only need to attend one) and will feature:

  • Sharing of Jewish sources on the topic of marriage, intermarriage, and inclusion.
  • Hearing from our Clergy (Hazzan Harold and Rabbi David) about our personal practice with regard to performing or not performing intermarriages, how we arrived at our practice and our experience and observations of this phenomena.
  • Framing the larger BAI conversation on this topic and learning about how our process will unfold over the next several months.
  • Time for questions and conversation.

Please know these initial meetings are part of a larger process to learn about and discuss these issues. There will be additional opportunities for conversation in the months ahead.  We are likely to come across questions that may not have answers, and your voice is critical to the process! We invite you these and future meetings, and if you are unable, please reach out to us, task force chairs, to share your hopes, concerns, and ideas.

We look forward to connecting,
Annette Sussman and Barak Zahavy
Task Force Co-Chairs