Please join us for BAI’s first Shabbat Sermon Slam!
10a – Early Kiddush and Topic Draw
10:30a – Torah Service and Sermon Slam
We will have five fantastic congregants each delivering an entertaining four-minute d’var Torah, with a twist! At the beginning of services each contestant will pick out of a hat from the following categories and must use those picks to build their sermon on the spot!
– Diva Pop Song Titles
– Philadelphia Sports Legends
– Unusual Fruits & Veggies
– Mel Brooks Film Titles
– Inspirational Quotes
Our star-studded cast of contestants are: Mike Ostrow, Donna Kirschner, Joe Finkelstein, Noah Charlson & Sharon Fenick
Please invite friends and family and tell them to clap, snap, or cheer – there is no decorum at a Sermon Slam, but there can be only one winner!