
September 20, 2024 / 17 Elul 5784

Ki Tavo is a parasha of curses and blessings; while there are more of the former than the latter, I find the blessings to be more meaningful and important.

Ki Tavo’s culminating blessing is this: “barukh ata b’vo’ekha u’varukh ata b’tzeitekha – Blessed be you in your coming in, blessed be you in your going out.

A beautiful Hasidic commentary (Bat Ayin, R Avraham Dov Baer of Avritch, 18th/19th century Ukraine and Safed) explains that ‘coming in’ refers to inwardness and spirituality, while ‘going out’ speaks to outwardness and concrete, real-world, benefit. The blessing is a hope that we experience inward longing AND outward satisfaction at the same time. So may it be for all of us!

Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi David