
August 23, 2024 / 19 Av 5784

Ever wonder what the golden calf looked like? Here are a few possibilities taken from the world of western art, 12th century, 19th century, 16th century respectively:

On the ground, on a pedestal, flying through the air (!) the calf in these depictions is quite impressive – large, stately, a not unreasonable object of veneration. 

Turns out that ancient Canaanites had bronze idols of bulls a few of which have been found in recent excavations. They’re, well, not as impressive as the calves imagined by European artists. Small, bronze (not gold), and definitely not airborne, the ancient bulls are fairly quotidian household idols. Here’s one for your viewing pleasure.

The Torah’s twice told story of the Golden Calf is certainly meant as a warning against idolaty. But I wonder if it isn’t also meant to warn us not to make mountains out of molehills! That is, there’s real danger in exaggerating threats and in overhyping the practices and habits of others. It could well come back to haunt us…

Wishing you all a Shabbat of shalom and shalva – of peace, wholeness, and quiet!
Rabbi David