
Good morning, Chaverim/Chaverot, 

In keeping with Rabbi David’s Rosh Hashana sermon themes, here is a message from the Universe that showed up on my calendar yesterday…  

Here is today’s Gratitude Thought in the Midst of a Pandemic:

Whenever a new disagreement emerges, 

     so does new hope for enlightenment, 

           on both sides of the fence. 

                      Oh Joy!”

The Universe

As Rabbi David pointed out on the second day of RH, it is “in our DNA” as Jews to disagree, to argue, to forcefully share our often differing opinions with one another on topics big and small…after all, some of our most revered forefathers and prophets had the chutzpah to argue with G-d!   So, it is nothing new to recognize, acknowledge and appreciate that we Jews are rarely of one mind, that we, “Anu”/K’lal Yisrael, are a people with both ancient and “newly emerging” disagreements.  But, the idea that we might view our disagreements as “new hope for enlightenment” feels different, important, surprising, and maybe even essential (see first day RH sermon!). 

As someone who is by nature (and nurture) quite uncomfortable with conflict, the recognition that in every disagreement there is the opportunity, the possibility, the hope for learning, growth and even “enlightenment” to emerge…on both sides…well, that’s a real “wow”…and a great way to begin the New Year in a world so full of conflict and disagreement!

“OH JOY”, indeed!!    

Shabbat Shalom and L’Shana Tova to all,

P.S. I will be traveling for a few weeks so you will not hear from me again until late October. In the meantime, wishing you all well and hoping you will find much for which to be grateful wherever you look!