Good morning, Chaverim/Chaverot,
Having a bit of a rough time here today…lost a precious long-time friend yesterday after a long fight with cancer and today is the English anniversary of my first husband, Michael’s, death. Michael and my friend, Steve, were also dear friends, so, this simple quote from Kahlil Gibran showed up to remind me of the importance of being grateful for every. single. drop. of love that comes our way…
Here is today’s Gratitude Thought in the Midst of a Pandemic:
“Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.”
Kahlil Gibran
On a day when the loss of loved ones is so close and vivid and raw, this quote helped to remind me that, painful though it surely is to lose them, pain is the price we pay for the love that they gave us for however long we were blessed to have them in our lives. It also reminded me of the obligation we have to put our love out into the world…giving to our closest family, to our precious friends, to our communities, indeed, to all of our “neighbors”…and to be ever so thankful for the opportunity we have to give that love each and every “day of loving” we are blessed to live.
At this season of Elul, of returning, of making Teshuvah and seeking forgiveness from loved ones we may have wronged…at this time when we are reminded of how fleeting our lives are…may we all take Gibran’s exhortation to heart and resolve to “[w]ake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving”.
Shabbat shalom, Love, and L’shana Tova to all,