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Sukkot and Simchat Torah 5785


Sunday, October 13
8:00-10:00 am – Come build our BAI Sukkah! Bagels, coffee, & nosh will be served. Everyone welcome-lots to do!
9:00-10:00 am – Sunday Minyan. In-person in Chapel and via Zoom.
10:00-11:00 am – Sukkah Decorating Begins. Kids and Families Welcome.

Wednesday Night, October 16 – Sukkot Begins

Thursday, October 17 (First Day of Sukkot)
8:30-10:30 am- Sukkot Festival Service followed by Kiddush in the BAI Sukkah. Service in-person and via Zoom.
4:30-6:30 pm – Shorashim Sukkot Celebration and Family Learning. Parents invited to join at 5:30 pm
7:30-9:00 pm – First meeting of the Mussar group in Rabbi David’s home Sukkah

Friday, October 18 (Second Day of Sukkot)
8:30-10:30 am- Sukkot Festival Service followed by Kiddush in the BAI Sukkah. Service in-person and via Zoom.
6:00-7:00 pm – Musical Kabbalat Shabbat

Saturday, October 19 – Shabbat Hol Hamoed
8:15 am-12:00 pm – “Something Different” for Shabbat Morning. Schedule:
8:15a – Meditative ‘Sit’
9:00a – Torah Study OR Expanded Musical Tefilah
10:00a – Light fare and time to socialize
10:30a – ‘Hands-on Torah,’ a blend of traditional Torah reading and experiential learning.

Sunday, October 20 – Hol Hamoed / Intermediate Days of Sukkot
10:15-11:30 am – Kesher BAI Book Group at the Sukkah at a member’s home
12:00-4:00 pm – Sukkah Party at the home of members Alan Steinbach and Ellen Weber in Center City Philadelphia. Enjoy food and drinks, great company, socializing and benching the lulav and etrog. RSVP to Alan at alansteinbach19@gmail.com to receive address.
4:00-6:00 pm – Congregational Open Sukkah at Rabbi David’s Home

Monday, October 21 – Hol Hamoed / Intermediate Days of Sukkot
8:30 am – Morning Minyan (Zoom only)

Tuesday, October 22 – Hol Hamoed / Intermediate Days of Sukkot
8:30 am – Morning Minyan (Zoom only)
7:30-9:30 pm – Reflections from Israel: A group of local Rabbis (including Rabbi David) spent two days this summer visiting with social activists in Israel and the South Hebron Hills. Join us in the BAI Sukkah as we share and reflect on what we heard, saw, and learned.

Wednesday, October 23 – Hol Hamoed / Intermediate Sukkot
8:30 am – Morning Minyan (Zoom only)
7:00p – Evening Service and Yizkor
7:30p – Marking October 7th as a BAI Community: Reflection, Prayer, and Sharing led by Rabbi David and Hazzan Harold

Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah

Thursday, October 24
8:30-10:30 am – Shemini Atzeret Festival Service (Yizkor Memorial Service at 10:00 am). In-person and via Zoom.
7:00 pm – Kabbalat Torah Celebration for new Shorashim students in K-2.
7:00-8:30 pm –  “We Will Dance Again” Simchat Torah Dance Party. Our annual Simchat Torah Dance Party will invoke the message that even in the midst of distress and grief, we make space to celebrate life and renew our faith for better days. The slogan, “We Will Dance Again” was invoked at Festivals all over the world this summer, including Burning Man and throughout Israel.

Friday, October 25
9:00-10:30 am – Contemplative and musical walk on the Cynwyd Trail with Hazzan Harold. Our Kesher Walking Group will join, all are welcome. Meet by the Cynwyd Station just off Montgomery and Bala Avenue.