
Music and Prayer for “Be”-ing.

Shabbat Shalom Beth Am Israel,

We spend so much of our time trying to hold it together, trying to be strong, trying to be ‘fine’, to being ‘good’ to be ‘alright”. Sometimes we even pull it off. 

It’s also exhausting. 

The prayer space is all about carving out room inside us,  for each individual, and for all of us as a prayer community to just…be.  To Sing, Sit, Breathe, Notice, Move. Raise your voice, Listen, Harmonize, be. 

And as we’ve discovered again and again,  it works great when we can, “be” together. 

To assist in this not always easy practice, I’ve put together a playlist on Spotify called, “Holy Daze, a Playlist for Now.” that highlights some of the music we will offer throughout the next week, and also music and prayer that I’ve found personally uplifting and think you might appreciate as well. 

In addition people have been kind enough to send me music that they have discovered and I want to share it with you. Thanks to Marjorie Marenberg for sharing this from the NYC Renewal Congregation, “Romemu” featuring the phrase (one of my all-time favorite prayer phrases) “The still small voice”, Kol dm’amah Daka”, from the High Holiday smash hit, “Untaneh Tokef”. I love this version.

Gmar Hatima Tova!